Saturday, June 4, 2011

16 Weeks

So, let's just say that being 16 weeks is NO different than the last 15! ;) I am still feeling nauseous at times, and the past few days I haven't been sleeping very good (I hope this doesn't keep up!) Other than that, we found out that the sex of the baby will be revealed to us on June 28th! My sister is due around the same time as me, and she is going to try and find out what she is having on that same day too. It will be fun to find out together (and reveal to everyone else together!)

I had a doctor's apt. this past Thursday, and the nurse said to me "Wow! Your baby is on the move!" I got a laugh out of that, and enjoyed to hear "it' is having fun down there. Surprisingly, even though I work at Starbucks, I have stayed away from caffeine for the most part. Sometimes I'll drink an occasional green tea, but coffee hasn't been sounding very good to me (SO glad I don't get nauseous working at Starbucks or being around coffee -- thank you God!) Overall, things seem to be going well, and we are so excited in the next week or so to be able to feel the movement of the baby (hopefully!) I've been trying to feel for movement, but I haven't been able to YET. I'm sure I'll have more exciting news next week!

Until then...I've been meditating on this scripture from Deuteronomy....
"Understand therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands." Deut. 7:9, and it follows with a cursing for those who hate him and disobey him.
I really enjoy seeing parts of God's character revealed in this book. Before these verses, God specifically reminds them that he shows no favoritism, and didn't choose Israel as a people because they were more numerous than all the others. He choose them because He is a God who KEEPS his promises, and He is FAITHFUL. He is the REDEEMER, who redeemed them from slavery in Egypt (and continues to bring redemption), and this covenant of LOVE he has committed to will continue for THOUSANDS of generations (that includes us!) God allows the people to choose what they would do (we still get that choice), and he reveals to them the repercussions if they do not obey (there are consequences for believers/non-believers). He reveals parts of His character and His unfailing love. What an incredible and faithful God we serve....our job is to obey his commands, and love unconditionally!

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