Friday, June 17, 2011

18 Weeks

 Salt! Salt! Salt! If you would have asked me if I preferred sweet or salty 3 months ago, I would have told you without a doubt sweet! Well, I now understand when people say you crave certain things when you are pregnant. For me, it is anything salty! I was never a fan of salt and vinegar chips, and now I love them. Jalapeno poppers from Sonic have been a specific craving (thanks Sonic for building one right NEXT to Starbucks!) Regardless of what it may's usually salty! I'm not sure what is worse, eating too many sweets, or too much salt! ;) I'm trying to eat healthier for baby McMurry but sometimes it is just plain difficult. This past week I've been craving salads, so I'll try and stick to those for awhile.

We still haven't felt any movement, although I hear from lots of people its usually between 18-22 weeks, so we are hoping it happens sooner than later. I find myself wanting to pray for the baby when I am just sitting there alone. Sometimes it feels kind of weird, like I am talking to nothing, :) even though I know there is a baby in there. What a beautiful thing to do before the baby is born! 

I read this quote from Dallas Willard the other day and I wanted to share it...
"What a child does when not told what to do is the final indicator of what and who that child is." 
This is such a true statement. I pray that our child grows up to be a Godly man or woman, and we can be a Godly example of what it means to follow obediently after the Lord in every area of our lives. I pray that as we imitate Christ, our child will imitate Christ. It's amazing to think that God already knows what our child is going to go through, struggle with, be joyful about, etc. He knows the hairs on his/her head, and the number of days in his/her life (Psalm 139). What an incredible, all-knowing, all-powerful God we serve!


  1. i do believe that your belly has *officially* popped this week! so cute girly!

  2. :) thanks colleen! yeah...i felt the same way! :) Sometimes i look down though, and it looks smaller, it's so weird!

  3. P.S We were at the fair last night! were you guys there too? I saw your pictures, and loved all of them! :)
