Saturday, June 25, 2011

19 Weeks

My handsome nephew, Pax and I revealing our bellies! :) Isn't he ADORABLE?
Well, in exactly 3 days we will find out if we are having a boy or girl! Sure, having a girl would be lots of fun but I also know a little boy is JUST as much fun, if not more! :) Either way, we are VERY excited and anticipate Tuesday morning at 10:45. Don't worry, I will keep you all informed (thanks to social networking!)

I am feeling pretty good. My nausea is still there at times. It mostly comes at night now, with occasional spurts in the afternoon. I think this is how it is going to be my whole I am living with it.

As far as names go....we do have a girl and a guy name picked out! :) We went back and forth a lot with names, but I think that we have confirmed what we both like and agree on! Are we going to tell you? Maybe. We'll let you know when we decide if we are going to wait or not...

Names are so important, aren't they? Think about it, when someone you don't see very often knows your name OR even remembers it, it makes you feel good doesn't it? (I do have to say, I am TERRIBLE with names, and wish I had a better memory when it came to names!) Names are so important because they reveal who you are. There is only one YOU in the world. It's cool to think that God used names in Scripture to reveal that persons character. Usually each name had a specific meaning behind it. Now think about all the names that are used for God in the Bible....the list is exhaustive! We can know so much about God's character if we just study and read his word. I know it sounds simple, but how many times are we disappointed with our relationship with the Lord because we don't feel close to Him, or we don't feel like we know Him. It just makes me think that there is NO excuse when it comes to getting to know our God. The best part of it all, is that when we are around people that exemplify different characteristics of Christ, we start to imitate that same characteristic.  I really enjoy seeing the unique characteristics in the people I am around. I pray that our little one will grow to understand and see who God is through His word, and that he/she will imitate specific characteristics of Christ. I pray that he/she will be involved with a community of believers that represent Christ Kingdom in their daily lives...

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