Friday, May 27, 2011

15 Weeks

We're having a boy!....actually were having a girl! Maybe were having twins, a boy and a girl? :) This week has been a non-stop guessing game for every person I've talked to about what the gender could be. It's funny to me how people think they just "know" what you are going to have. Oh, if you have headaches all the time, you are going to have a boy. If you are more nauseous, you are for sure going to have a girl. People talk like they are 110% sure about what you are having, it is too funny! It is fun to try and guess, but at this point only God knows, and I am content with that. :)

Do we want a boy, or girl? To be honest, I am in-different! Sure, it would be fun to have a girl, because I am a girl, and I know all the fun stuff that comes along with that (most of the time). I also know that boys are lots of fun because I have a nephew, and he is amazing! So with that, it will be exciting either way. I will let you all know in 5 weeks! :)

Still feeling pretty nauseous at at specific times, and hoping it goes away soon! Haven't felt any movement YET, but hope too in the next few weeks! That will be incredible, and VERY exciting. Until then...enjoying (mostly) this day by day experience.

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