Monday, August 1, 2011

24 Weeks

It has been a whirl-wind of emotions this past week (okay, maybe it's been like that for awhile!) Either way, I am beginning to feel (and look) more and more pregnant as the weeks go on.  I do believe pregnant women should embrace their pregnancy, but sometimes I just feel heavier, everywhere. I've been daydreaming about when I get to start running again, and working out....BUT, for now, I'll try to embrace these moments of bearing our little man.

As for the weekly pregnancy update, I've been feeling pretty good. Aside from the heartburn, feeling worn out more than usual, and some nausea, I've discovered that things could be worse. :)  

I wanted to share a touching and yet bittersweet story about our due date. Many of you may know that Dylan's brother, Patrick Kelly McMurry, passed away on November 20th, 2010.  It was way to soon for him to leave us and it's been difficult for his family, and us, to walk through in many ways. He was an incredible man, and greatly missed. Well, we weren't "trying" to have a kid at this point in our marriage, but I do believe that God ordained it to happen for such a time as this. Our due date is November 19th, a day before Patrick's passing. We are having a little boy, which makes it even more special. We will be mourning the death of a loved one, but God is blessing our family with another "Patrick Kelly McMurry," and we are very excited!

That is my shadow --- although it seems a bit tooo big....I think it's just the way the shadow is. :)


  1. beautiful photos! where are you guys??? i LOVE that you are naming your little man after dylan's brother. how special!!!

  2. thanks colleen!! :) we are at tybee island, georgia, near savannah! well, we aren't naming him "exactly" after his brother, but it will have one of those names in there somewhere! :)
