Sunday, July 24, 2011

23 Weeks

This picture is sweet in that it was a "Mother, Son" dance at our friends wedding! :)
If I could describe this past week in one word, it would be "tiring." I've haven't felt this tired in a LONG time...and I'm pretty sure the heat has something to do with it (although I've been waiting for this heat for quite some time now.) :)

McBaby has been on the move! He is a squirmy wormy down there, and I love it (well, except in the middle of the night!) It's such an amazing experience to be able to feel him moving.

Dylan and I looked at another apartment this past week. It was perfect for what we wanted, and the price wasn't that much different (it even included a dishwasher, and a hook up for a washer and dryer!) We were really excited about it because it would allow the baby to have more room as he gets older to walk and play around. It would also allow us to have more than one person over. :) After what we thought would be perfect for our little family, God didn't. It took some time for the owner to get back to us, and we realized that things weren't going to work out. It was during this time that I started to be okay if it wasn't what God wanted for us during this next season of our lives. I prayed on the way to work, at work, at home, etc. that if we weren't supposed to have it, than God would close that door. It wasn't some magical prayer, just "God, if you don't want us to have this apartment, I pray you would close the door. I trust You," and He did just that. I am content with the outcome trusting He knows what is BEST for our family. It's funny how we constantly choose what we think is best, without actually seeking God's guidance and wisdom.  As much as we were disappointed in not getting the apartment, we were content with what happened because we know and can trust in God's provision over our lives.

So for now, we are blessed and happy to be able to live where we are. We don't have to have a bigger apartment nor do we absolutely need a dishwasher. We've lived without them for a year, and I know that we can do it for years to come. Now, we can sit back and enjoy the simplistic lifestyle we have in our apartment, in this season of our lives.

These are my AWESOME friends from Starbucks, whom I love dearly, and thank God for their support and encouragement!

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