Sunday, August 21, 2011

27 Weeks

Not many of you know, but I was born three months early at 26 weeks. My due date was scheduled for March 29th, 1985, and my mom's water broke on December 29th, 1984. She had no choice but to have me. I weighed nearly 2 pounds when I was about a miracle, huh? I've talked about it with other people before, but I don't think it really "sunk in" until this past week when my sister's cervix began opening up and she started dilating at 26 weeks. It's been a very scary situation to watch, and even more scarier for her family to be experiencing it. God willing she goes home on Monday. Please keep praying for their little man, and that he stays in there at least a few weeks longer. Also, for the next few months as she will have to be on bed-rest until baby boy comes.  So after this scare with my sister, I've realized the dangers that could have came with my premature birth. I am so thankful for my health and the reminder of his faithfulness and sovereignty over my life.  Looking back at this has confirmed to me, through the Spirit, God's purpose for me on this earth. God be praised...

I know I'm only a week away from my third trimester, but I have definitely felt the difference this past week! It's been harder to breathe, and my hands and feet seem to be swelling more. My back hurts and I barely slept last night. Baby McMurry has also gotten the hiccups, which is quite entertaining! He's been moving around more which makes it fun to watch him nudge my sides every once in awhile. It seems that when I am working, he sleeps, and when I am home laying down, he is awake. Ironic. :) I know I'm only 27 weeks, but I feel pretty big for 27 weeks! I'm glad baby is growing, but I am hoping it isn't a 10lb baby (if you know what I mean!) :) 

I've been meditating on this verse recently, and I find that it fits with everything that has happened this week...
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
I know this verse was written so that the believers didn't have to abide by the thousands of rules that the Pharisee's made up. They could take the teachings of Jesus and find rest for their souls because it wasn't a "list" of things that burdened them. God knows when we are tired, and weary. God knows when our souls need rest. God knows. He knows when we are fearful, scared, happy, and sad. And this is His promise to us, a command really. So with that, I come to Jesus and rest.

This was in Amish country Ohio down a gravel "road." Dylan and I loved it!

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