Saturday, August 6, 2011

25 Weeks

Can you believe I am 25 weeks already? I can't. It seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant! This little boy is growing so fast....I can't wait to meet him. I'm beginning to feel more and more pregnant as the weeks continue. My doctor was telling me that at about 28 weeks is when it starts to become the most uncomfortable, and that if guys had to carry babies, it would be around this time that they would want to cut open their bellies and get them out of there. :) I laughed, and thought about how God really did intend for just women to carry babies. It's such a beautiful concept. We are blessed.

We just got back from celebrating Dylan and I's one year anniversary together, and to spend some quality time before our new addition makes his appearance. We had such a wonderful time in Tybee Island and Savannah, Georgia despite the heat and car troubles, it was such a refreshing and much needed week! We got to take some cool pictures that I'll post at the bottom. My husband is a great photographer with our digital camera. :)

At 25 weeks, our wee little man is about the size of "an average rutabaga." Don't worry, I had to look it up too. He is growing fast, and could even have hair! I've noticed my hair has been growing more and more (seeing as though I JUST got it cut a week ago!), so it will be interesting to see what he looks like when he comes out. I think he is going to look like his daddy, but only time will tell. :) He is moving around a lot, and kicking too (that's usually when I feel it most!) He also likes to sit low near my back, and sciatic nerve. It doesn't always feel good, so I've been trying new positions and ways to maneuver him around! 

Until next week, I've been meditating on this Psalm, and particularly this verse as my prayer:
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14


  1. cute!!! let me know when you're ready for your belly shoot! i'm all game! :)

  2. oh, I am ready whenever!! :) you let me know what works best for your schedule!
