Friday, May 27, 2011

15 Weeks

We're having a boy!....actually were having a girl! Maybe were having twins, a boy and a girl? :) This week has been a non-stop guessing game for every person I've talked to about what the gender could be. It's funny to me how people think they just "know" what you are going to have. Oh, if you have headaches all the time, you are going to have a boy. If you are more nauseous, you are for sure going to have a girl. People talk like they are 110% sure about what you are having, it is too funny! It is fun to try and guess, but at this point only God knows, and I am content with that. :)

Do we want a boy, or girl? To be honest, I am in-different! Sure, it would be fun to have a girl, because I am a girl, and I know all the fun stuff that comes along with that (most of the time). I also know that boys are lots of fun because I have a nephew, and he is amazing! So with that, it will be exciting either way. I will let you all know in 5 weeks! :)

Still feeling pretty nauseous at at specific times, and hoping it goes away soon! Haven't felt any movement YET, but hope too in the next few weeks! That will be incredible, and VERY exciting. Until then...enjoying (mostly) this day by day experience.

Friday, May 20, 2011

14 Weeks

I've never been an "avid" blogger. I always wanted to be one but never took the time to sit down and do it. Well, now that I am pregnant, I thought it would be fun to write down everything and look back on it someday. :) So, here I am....14 weeks pregnant, and still nauseous! I thought it might have gone away by now, but sometimes it feels worse! I'm hoping that it subsides soon so that I can enjoy my evenings. (I am lucky in that I haven't thrown up! Thank you Lord.)

I'm feeling really good otherwise. My work schedule keeps me busy (35+hours) every week, and after walking/running the Cleveland half-marathon last weekend, I'm sure that I can do anything with this baby! :) There are times when I start to think about having a baby and get really scared/anxious, but I am trying to focus on the every day enjoyment of being pregnant.
The idea of birth has really boggled my mind lately. It's like when I start to think about how big the universe actually is, and my finite mind cannot comprehend such a thing (sometimes I go crazy trying to think about it!) That is exactly what happens when I think about God allowing women to give birth. To birth human beings. I am thankful and praise God for the bodies to be able to do it. I'm excited to see the progress over the next months, and can't wait to find out exactly what we will be having! Until then, I'll try to keep you all updated as much as possible about the progression. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts....