Saturday, December 24, 2011

Kai :::: One Month Old!

I used to be that girl who said growing up, "I want lots of kids, atleast three." I can tell you that has taken a left turn these past four weeks. Maybe it's because the newborn stage is not my favorite, or because my eight hours of sleep a night has been completely diminished. Either way, I would be content with just our little Kai. :) (I've been told I'll forget all these things...we shall see!)

It was after only a few weeks of sleepless nights, Kai's constant crying, and wanting to pull our hair out, that we decided to take Kai to the doctor because we just thought it "didn't seem right." He assured us that he is in good health, but has extreme colic. Oh boy. We know it's going to be a long road the next 3-4 months, but we are ready for whatever God has prepared. This 1 month old miracle is worth it.

There isn't a whole lot to post right now, probably because my mind feels like a blur most of the time. God's been reminding me of his goodness, and to rely on HIS strength and not my own every single moment of every day.  With that, I am hanging on to his strength.
                                                                                                         [until next month!] :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kai :::: Two(+) Weeks Old

I can't believe our little man is already two weeks old. Okay, maybe I can. It has been quite an adventure these past few weeks! I know they say that you are supposed to "sleep when the baby sleeps," but that is hard for me. I am the type of person that always feels like she has to be "doing" something, and so when he sleeps, I need to clean, or read, or pinterest (I know, it shouldn't be that important!) but regardless, I need to learn to sleep more. Maybe I'll soon realize.

It's been so fun watching the little things that Kai does. He is the most alert baby I have ever seen (really!) His eyes are always wide open, and very curious. He loves, loves, loves, to look around and make sure he knows exactly what is going on every where. For being a little over two weeks old, it's quite amazing and entertaining. The crazy part is that he came out of my womb this way! I just love him.

Kai definitely has my stubbornness in wanting to stay awake, and NEVER sleep! I thought newborns were supposed to sleep 'all' the time. :) I'm sure this will change, as he is still trying to figure out what happened in a matter of hours to his original "home." He doesn't really like to take his "binky," and the swing isn't his favorite either. Most times, laying him down and allowing him to look around brings contentment to him. I like to think he is 'staring at angels.' :)

We are so proud, and lucky to be Kai's parents. It still hasn't completely set in. Dylan has been an incredible help these past few weeks! He helps feed him in the middle of the night, and does everything he can to help me. He is such a good dad and I am so thankful for him.

Here are some two week old pictures of Kai (if you haven't already seen them on his facebook album!):

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Labor and Delivery Story

Well, apparently I "tried" to finish my pregnancy blog because I started to write this for my 38-39 week update and never finished it....

"This is the most uncomfortable time of pregnancy, no doubt in my mind! I've finally asked Dylan for help when putting shoes on, and I can't seem to tie my shoes very well either. :) Oh, the joys...

It could be any day now. Although, after my doctor's appointments, it's looking like he is comfortable where he is. I am okay with that, I think. Although, Dylan's family is coming here for Thanksgiving, and we are hoping he arrives in time to meet them!" 

Guess what, he did come before then! It has been such a crazy past few weeks, but I wanted to share Kai's birth story since people have been inquiring about it.

I believe that God's hand has been in this pregnancy in so many tangible ways. From having our due date so close to Dylan's brother, Patrick Kelly passing, to allowing Kai to come just on time so that his family could see this amazing gift of new life. God is good. He knows exactly what we need, when we need it. HIS timing is perfect, and it will always supersede our own "agenda."

It was Thursday morning, and I had planned to go to ChuckECheese with my sister Karra, and nephew Pax. It was exactly two weeks from when I went on maternity leave with Starbucks, and I was ready for Kai to make his entrance into the world. Even though I was ready, I knew that it was up to him to come when he was ready. My sister had dropped me off at my car in the Wal-Mart parking lot, and lo and behold, as soon as I stepped out of her car, it felt as though I had peed my pants (which can be normal for pregnancy in your last trimester). So, I proceeded to get into my car, and realized that whatever was coming out of me was not stopping! My water had broke, O boy. 

(Let's rewind to just a few days before when the midwife had told me that I was only a finger-tip dilated, and I was probably going to be atleast 1 week late...what a complete shock!)

So, I went home to get my bags and tried to change my pants (which never happened because it was THAT bad), and my sister followed me there just in case. Dylan left school and came as soon as he could to the apartment as well. We rushed around to get everything because we weren't sure how much time we had (not knowing I would be in labor for 18 hours!) :) We headed to the hospital excited, nervous, anxious, and many other emotions that come when you realize, "it is time!"

When I got to the hospital, they checked me, and I was still only a finger-tip dilated. What a disappointment. This baby was going to come, but I wasn't progressing enough for him to come on his own. Dreading to hear the word, I knew I was going to have to get "Pitocin, (which speeds up your labor, and makes your contractions come faster & worsens the pain.")  So, after I got admitted into my room, my mid-wife came in to let me know what the game plan was. They started me on Pitocin right away, and put a balloon-like device to stretch my cervix so that it would open it up. From 1:00-9:30 PM, I was only dilated at 3 centimeters, and knew it was going to be a long night. After talking with my mid-wife, I decided to get the epidural, which I was very happy about considering how long everything was taking and how much pain I was in from the strong contractions. 

The night seemed to go on FOREVER. Of course, I did not sleep because of the nurses coming in to move me around so that they could make sure the babies heart rate was okay AND because of the excitement, nerves, etc. My incredible mom and husband stayed with me in the room the whole night. Finally, at around 4 AM, I was 10 centimeters dilated, and I was ready to push! This was probably the funniest part (is that normal?), considering how tired we all were, and how ready we were to meet Kai! I set goals for when I wanted him to come out, and it wasn't until Dylan said, "Okay, by 6:15, this baby is coming out!" and Patrick Kai McMurry was born at 6:14 AM, on my due date, November 18th, 2011. He had strawberry blonde hair, and was absolutely perfect! We were all exhausted by this point, and in tears seeing this amazing miracle that God has blessed us with.

Kai McMurry -- We love you so much, and feel so blessed and honored to be able to raise you into the man that God has designed you to be.